May 2017 Updates

Sometimes it is good process to go back, to repeat, and to communicate the fundamental principles of any organization. In that regard, CLA at its recent board meeting confirmed its commitment to transform societies by training its teachers. We further believe that Christian Higher Education is essential to meet the needs for effective leadership in Africa. For these reasons CLA has cultivated a fellowship of individuals, churches, and foundations to bring forward the resources to accomplish these objectives. CLA continues to focus on Africa International University (AIU) and its Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST).

Consider the following: AIU graduates hold the highest positions in 7 of 12 of Nairobi’s largest churches. An AIU graduate has been the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches for the past two terms and the current leader of FOCUS is a graduate of AIU. Add to this the number of graduates who hold significant positions in NGOs, schools, and churches throughout Africa, and one can see the reality of the fundamental principles of this great institution.

AIU has functioned under a charter given to the school a little over five years ago. In its recent audit, the Commission for University Education (CUE), placed AIU as one of the top three Christian Universities in Kenya and in the top 12 academic institutions in higher education. The notion of taking an established graduate school of theology and expanding the footprint to become a full university has been completed. The theological heartbeat of NEGST has obviously permeated the entire university.

With our fundamental principles restated, here is where we are as we come to the end of CLA’s fiscal year (June 30) and AIU’s academic year. Our budget to AIU called for a little over $400,000 to be invested in scholarships, faculty salaries, library books, IT equipment, and renovations to the university guest house known as Kijiji. To date we have met or exceeded all of our budgets with the exception of two. We need an additional $18,000 to finish our Masters and PhD scholarship commitments and we need $15,000 to cover the remainder of our operating budget. As a reminder, CLA raises its operating budget ($80,000) separately from our program budget. By raising separate funds to cover our operational costs, we do not need to take any percentage of donor gifts to run CLA. One hundred percent of every program donation goes to its designated use.

You and your gifts are enabling CLA to fulfill its mission. We are raising up the next generation of leaders for Africa. Over 36 African countries are represented at the school. Former students are coming back to be on the faculty. Significant leaders are positioned throughout Africa. Our Lord is being honored in this place. Please help us finish strong.

Warm regards,

Jim Rogers