August 2022 Updates

August 2022 Updates

As we prepare for the start of the 2022-23 academic year at NEGST-AIU in September, we first want to thank all of our donors for your prayers and financial commitment during this past year. CLA fulfilled all of our budgeted funding for scholarship and faculty support and for that we are eternally grateful. CLA contributed over $350,000 to various programs at NEGST-AIU during the past year.

CLA continues to monitor the ongoing needs for NEGST. We had James Nkansah participate via Zoom during our last board meeting in May. When we asked James about the greatest needs for NEGST he mentioned that a number of missionary faculty had retired and the load being carried by the remaining professors had increased significantly. James asked if CLA could help fund two new professors in Theology and Biblical Studies. The CLA board has endorsed our support for raising funds to enable James and NEGST to hire these two new faculty members. Our eye has not been taken off of the continued need for scholarship aid, but we realize that maintaining a robust faculty is important for the continued sustainability of NEGST.

As you consider helping with our annual fund raising for scholarships, we hope that you will consider helping CLA raise the necessary funding to add two new NEGST faculty members. For those of you who are aware of any missionaries interested in teaching, please let them know that their services would be greatly appreciated in Nairobi. Missionary faculty broaden the perspective and bring a welcome financial relief for the AIU operating budget. NEGST and AIU continue to attract students from over 34 different countries and an international faculty only adds to the overall status of the school.

Again, thank you for your continued generosity that enables CLA to help worthy students and faculty. We remain committed to keeping NESGT healthy and as always covet your prayers as we do our part for HIS kingdom.

Jim Rogers
Christian Leaders for Africa