June 2021 Updates

June 2021 Updates

I send you greetings from your Nairobi friends and the 122 students at Africa International University-NEGST that you support. The 2021 academic year is coming to a close soon and we are preparing for the new year that will start in September. For most students, courses were only offered on line while a few first-year students returned to the classroom in January. It is anticipated that the fall term starting in September will again be a mix of some in person and on line. Secondary schools have reopened for in person instruction and it is our hope that AIU-NEGST will be completely in person by year end.

Your generous gifts have provided scholarships for students, food for those that could not return home, professor salaries, and benevolence for extremely needy international students. Needless to say, it has been an unusual year and the additional support was a vital life line for many. On behalf of all of the students, faculty and others that have been recipients of your generosity, I say a hearty BIG THANK YOU.

Covid restrictions are being lifted as I write and commerce and much needed day to day activities are starting to come back to life. Infections and deaths related to Covid have been lower percentage wise than most other countries. For that we are thankful. The downside has been the effects to the economy from the lock down. As mentioned in previous letters the food supply chain was disrupted and international tourism became virtually non-existent. The loss of incomes coupled with higher food prices and some shortages caused significant hardships. The school, with only a few cases of infection, has remained healthy and without major hospitalizations at the student level.

As we prepare our 2021-2022 academic year budget we want to determine if we can increase our scholarship commitments as more students face the economic realities from the extended COVID lockdown. Additionally, many students will face challenges in clearing their accounts in order to graduate. We HUMBLY ask for your continued support and, where you are able, to increase your gift for this year. Our budget for scholarships, faculty support, benevolence, and designated student funding will total over $400,000. As the picture above shows we see a rainbow ahead and look for and depend on the Lord’s providence. Please join in helping us to reach our goal for this coming academic year.

Jim Rogers

Just a reminder that we have a new PO Box: P.O. Box 3302, Carmel, IN 46082