December 2021 Updates

As we approach the Christmas season and the celebration of the birth that changed the world one can reflect in many different ways. Some look at this as the time of the year to buy presents for family and friends. Others will be reminded to make their annual contribution before the time clock expires. Some might reflect on what one birth did to change our future. It was truly a gift, others brought gifts to celebrate while a few wondered who he was.
Change frightens some, others see change as the opportunity to experience a new direction and many like all things to remain the same. AIU-NEGST is in need of a new birth…a new direction…a change. As you reflect on this season, please consider one of the following:
- CLA will soon need to send our next wire to complete our commitment for scholarships and financial aid for the school term starting in January 2022. If you can help, please share your resources with us by making a contribution before the end of this year.
- Please pray that our new leaders will adopt plans to bring the university into a position of financial sustainability.
- Pray for the students to complete their studies and to have the resources that will enable them to fulfill their work.
- Offer petitions that our Lord continues to guide the rebirth of NEGST and that the heartbeat of the school produces more leaders for His kingdom.

CLA Sponsored Students – Peter O’Bang and Akupa Deng – Teaching and Preaching in an unreached people group in Ethiopia.
Giving thanks for your continued support and asking that if you are able please help us fulfill our commitments of scholarship and financial aid.
Warm regards,
Jim Rogers
Just a reminder that we have a new PO Box: P.O. Box 3302, Carmel, IN 46082