Stories & News
March 2022 Updates
PLEASE NOTE THIS CHANGE: Our NEGST guests will not be able to obtain their visas in time to travel to the US for the CLA May 2022 Birthday Party. We are rescheduling for 2023. Stay tuned for updated information. Consular services worldwide have been delayed due to the Covid pandemic and the decline in services has significantly delayed any processing of visa applications. NOTES from recent on campus visit: Thank you for your continued support. The students receiving your support…
December 2021 Updates
As we approach the Christmas season and the celebration of the birth that changed the world one can reflect in many different ways. Some look at this as the time of the year to buy presents for family and friends. Others will be reminded to make their annual contribution before the time clock expires. Some might reflect on what one birth did to change our future. It was truly a gift, others brought gifts to celebrate while a few wondered…
November 2021 Updates
Joseph Kiplangat. DVCAA-R Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs-Research. Joseph came to AIU from MOI University where he was the Director of their Tech Center in the Central Business District. Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving. I have just returned from the AIU-NEGST campus. Covid remains in check but not all students have returned to in person teaching. We are hopeful that learning will return to normal for the January 2022 term. As this is the season of Thanksgiving, we want to take…
June 2021 Updates
I send you greetings from your Nairobi friends and the 122 students at Africa International University-NEGST that you support. The 2021 academic year is coming to a close soon and we are preparing for the new year that will start in September. For most students, courses were only offered on line while a few first-year students returned to the classroom in January. It is anticipated that the fall term starting in September will again be a mix of some in…
Arpil 2021 Updates
A Word from Gideon Mashauri In September of 2002, I left my country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, to go to Tanzania, in an attempt to join the International Baptist Seminary of East Africa, to be trained as a pastor. Since I did not have any sponsors, I faced many challenges that caused me to live in the refugee camps, in Tanzania (three months), then in Northern Mozambique (four years). As I was serving the Lord there, reaching out to…
December 2020 Updates
The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coast lands be glad! (ESV) : Psalm 97:1 Dear Friends of NEGST, We rejoice in the knowledge that our God reigns, that He is not wringing His hands in light of 2020. Even as we pray for life to return to “normal,” we see ways that He has been at work through these hard times. It has been a year of reflection, fervent prayer, and an intense realization of our…